Newly Registered Voter Information
“We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community.” Cesar Chavez
There are only four things you must know before voting:
Washington State votes by mail.
All voting materials will be mailed to you. You can return your ballot by mail or put it in an official ballot drop box.
Why am I voting?
In Washington State, a Voters' Guide is different for each county and mailed to you. It is also available online (click images below). The Voters' Guide lists and describes everything you can vote on in your county.
What do I vote for?
Your ballot will have only the items you can vote on. You do not need to vote on everything, but vote on what you want and return your ballot by mail or drop it in an official drop box.
Important election dates:
Primary Election Voters' Guides are mailed to you - already happened
Primary Ballots are mailed to you starting on July 16, 2024
Last day to vote in the Primary Election is Tuesday, August 6, 2024
General Election Voters' Guides are mailed to you starting in October
General Ballots are mailed to you and voting starts on October 18, 2024
Last day to vote in the General Election is Tuesday, November 5, 2024

How to Fill Out Your Ballot
Mark the boxes next to your choices.
Put your ballot in the security sleeve (it will stick out the end).
Put the security sleeve containing the ballot into the return envelope.
Sign the back of the return envelope! This is very important. If it is not signed, it will not count.
Mail it!

Why are there two elections?
Washington State has a Primary and a General Election. The Primary Election happens between July 19th and August 6th, 2024. It helps decide which top two candidates for each office will move on to the General Election. The General Election in November will decide who wins. This is the final election until the next term.
Do we have to vote for everything on the ballot?
No, you do not have to vote on everything on the ballot. It's important to vote and return the ballot even if you skip some sections.
Why doesn't my ballot look like my friend's?
Each person’s ballot only has the things they can vote on. People who live in different places, even next door, can have different ballots.
Why don't we vote for every office in each election?
Different offices have different terms. The President and Vice President serve for four years, Senators serve for six years, and Representatives serve for two years. Elections are staggered so our government has continuity.
Helpful Links:
Washington Secretary of State Election Website with useful information:
Check the status of your ballot