An alarming reality grips Central Washington: 80% of the people here have not heard a positive democratic message. Worse yet, the younger generations are inundated with one-sided Republican rhetoric.
Tired of not getting paid what you’re worth?
Republicans want to end Social Security. It’s that simple.
America’s people are its greatest asset.
¿Estás cansado de que no te paguen lo que vales?
Los Republicanos quieren acabar con el Seguro Social. Es así de simple.
La gente de América es su mayor activo.
Our rural areas are being driven by MAGA rhetoric. If this trends is allowed to continue our Democrat dense urban centers will not be enough as we learned in 2016. Decades of democrats declining political equity has created great social injustice. Republican rhetoric filled the void, and our communities suffered the consequences. Democrat morale declined, leading to republican majorities in crucial local positions, impacting groups like Latino, LGBTQ+, indigenous, Asian, and African Americans. To make a difference, we must revive the democrat brand by reminding, educating and persuading voters that Democrats fight for them.