In This Newsletter
Our Newly Minted Vision Statement
RAU: The Most Spectacular Way Forward
Value Driven Pro-Democratic Value Messaging
Octogenarian Peace Brigade
Capturing Newly Registered Voters Early
Unveiling Yakima City Council's Disturbing Reality
In the next newsletter: Strategy for C/EW turning blue. Yes really!
1. Our New Vision Statement:
Approved RAU Advisory Board March 2024
2. Rural Americans United Expands Program And Value To Communities
We at Rural Americans United could not be more grateful for the support and encouragement we have received. Our work continues to expand in ways that benefit the communities we serve, and we are ever respectful of the need to share power. No one person or organization can be successful alone; it takes many. We hope that Rural Americans United continues to earn the trust of our partners and the communities we serve.
2.a Our pro-Democratic messaging campaign has been a huge success. We have delivered over twenty million messages to the far-flung corners of Central and Eastern Washington (C/EW). However, we recognize that this is not enough. Rural Americans United has evaluated this strategy and determined that we can deliver much greater value. In May/June, we will hold a workshop that will include local organizations, entities invested in the success of rural Washington, community representatives, communications specialists, and data analysts. Together, we will design a program utilizing social media, direct-to-IP, and other communication networks to create a messaging strategy aimed at reaching youth, marginalized populations, and low voter turnout demographics. This will be the largest initiative of its kind ever conducted in Central/Eastern Washington.
Using technology and messaging strategies, we will "listen" to these groups to understand why they are disconnected from the political process. This information will be used to develop tailored messaging campaigns and programs to support these groups in ways that are most relevant to them. The insights gained will be shared with campaigns, policymakers, non-profits, and others whose true intent is to serve and support democratic values.
2.b The Octogenarian Peace Brigade is the working title for Shirley Grossman and Roz Luther's project with Rural Americans United. Based in Spokane Valley, these two dynamos will be hitting the road, traveling to small towns up and down Congressional District 5. While there's still much planning to be done, the premise is simple: elevate the voice and visibility of rural America.
By venturing into these small towns and either organizing events or participating in local ones, they aim to make marginalized people aware of their importance and to signal that work is underway to change the untenable circumstances they face due to far-right intimidation. Currently, we're reaching out to Democratic county parties in Congressional District 5 to seek permission and cooperation for this tour.
We're fortunate to have experts like Glenn Rudolph, Chair of Legislative District 13 (soon to become Legislative District 15), lending their expertise. Glenn's understanding of one-on-one conversation techniques in far-right areas is invaluable.
If you'd like more information or are able to support this project, please respond to this email or reach out to Shirley at
2.c There are twenty counties that comprise Central and Eastern Washington, and some have as few as two people identified keeping the Democratic values torch burning. Rural Americans United core belief is to rebuild the political infrastructure, and it is here that we can help. A team based in Yakima, with volunteers all across Central/Eastern Washington, is reaching out to Democratic organizations to offer support if needed for the important second contact for newly registered voters.
Washington State New Voter Registrations
We know that it takes multiple contacts to prompt action from a person. With first-time young voters supporting Trump 3:1 over Biden and newly registered Latinx voters still showing low voter turnout, it is critically important to maintain a level of connection. We are offering to send postcards to all newly registered voters to let them know that others who believe in Democratic values are here, organized, and can offer support and guidance.
If you are an organization active in voter registration or new voter outreach, we would like to hear from you.
We need your support. We have grown faster than expected and delivered more than anyone could have imagined and it is because of your generosity and belief in your communities. To continue to drive Democratic values back into the lives of rural Washington we need your help. Please donate generously and monthly.
3. Unveiling Yakima's MAGA-Driven City Council Power Play: Exposing Local Governance's Disturbing Reality
What has been shared in previous newsletters are fragments that comprise a larger picture: a concerted effort to seize control of local government, reshape it as an effective tool, and impose a narrow and unpopular ideology on the majority, thereby distorting and corrupting the very foundation of our nation – democracy.
The MAGA members of the Yakima City Council (MMYCC) recently moved to diminish community input on council decisions by disconnecting from several Community Committees addressing issues such as Climate and Diversity. These committees previously had a legal bond with the Council, necessitating collaboration. However, MAGA's aversion to oversight led to their dissolution. Mayor Patricia Byers justified this action by stating that the committees could now operate more freely, but in reality, they have been stripped of authority, leaving the MMYCC unaccountable to community input or oversight.
This is not the first brazen attempt by the MMYCC to reshape the Council and local government to advance the Project 2025 agenda. It's alarming to witness how easily our government can be corrupted, with few checks in place to protect against such abuse.
Project 2025, when implemented at the local level, is termed "Territorial Transformation." A Facebook post revealed that Yakima City Mayor Patricia Byers, Council member Mathew Brown, and Council member Leo Roy were welcoming Sean Feucht to Yakima's SOZO Sports Complex on June 9, 2024. Feucht's ministry espouses Christian Nationalism and is vehemently anti-LGBT, shedding light on why the Community Diversity and Inclusion Committee was axed by the MMYCC. Machinations are proceeding with disturbing precision.

Lastly, the Yakima City Council's proclamation recognizing May 2, 2024, as National Prayer Day raises concerns. While a day of prayer may not be objectionable, falsely attributing a religious role in the founding of America undermines the secular nature of our government and the freedom to worship, or not, as one chooses.
The purpose of starting the National Day of Prayer was to humbly come before God, seeking His guidance for our leaders and His grace upon us as a people. However, the first amendment of the constitution states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." Manipulating local government is shown to be more effective than State or Federal levels due to lesser oversight. Mayor Patricia Byers' reasoning for disconnecting the Community Committees from the government seems accurate for a day of prayer, but counter to the purpose of Community Committees.
Lastly, while a proclamation may not seem like a "serious" government action, Washington State RCW 38.08.030 outlines a Proclamation of complete or limited martial law by the Governor. These small twists and turns gradually erode our trust in our system of government creating fear and confusion. In Central and Eastern Washington young voters were three times more likely to cast their ballot for Trump than for Biden and Democratic voter turnout was down 42%! Rural Americans United was created to fight back. We educate, remind and persuade people that Democratic Values mirror theirs the best and will provide a future that benefits us all. We provide a strong voice for Democratic Values across Central and Eastern Washington.
